Spiritual Development for Leaders


As I have matured in leadership over the years, I now see spiritual development as an economic issue in that leaders effectiveness impact organizational results at all levels. Spiritually-based leadership is about integrity, meaning and voice. It is a calling or divine assignment and as such it is about a higher purpose. When purpose is unclear, joy is diminished and when joy is diminished, our protection against depression and despair is also diminished. In the whirlwind of seemingly never-ending challenges, leaders can lose their way and slip into the dark-side. A return from the dark side requires an investment in truth, competence and transformation. Are you invested? What are the conditions of your investment?

Leaders should be fit physically, psychologically, intellectually and spiritually. The above framework for Spiritual Leadership identifies love as the central force or power. While love is often viewed as a feeling, love is behavioral and action oriented. Love is a choice and thus an act of the will. Love is the source of fuel for joy, truth, vision, courage and faith. Without love, there cannot be a solid foundation of accountability, forgiveness, healing, gratitude, faithfulness and compassion. Love keeps hope alive allowing us to transform by renewing our mind. We are all limited or expanded by our beliefs as we become our dominant thoughts. Whatever we focus on increases in our lives. Where is your focus? Is your capacity to see options and opportunities diminished?

Restoring Joy to Leadership’s mission is to trigger leaders’ potential and renewal through gaining self-insight, awaking capability and shining a guiding light for transformation. Transformation is about the condition of the heart, mind and soul. It is about letting go and becoming. Where is your potential leading you? What are you allowing to rob you of your JOY?

Food for thought:
“Being selected for a leadership position is a chance. Being a leader is a choice.”
-Rose Rivers

So, what do you think ?